Monday, August 26, 2013




There   is   an  AlKhemical intangible algoRhythm     in the universes                    prism...can  you         see           it...

Reflecting  &  refracting the                spectrum             from black          matters          light

on        the   vast      canvas   of the  cosmos&  back   to  when   theRe            was            no     night    back   to   then  beFore   was   lit,      lights       light... Can     we be   it...

&    all was   pure    in   1ness, sunless,                earthless,

with       only       Nature          as seamless                purpose...

Before   You      &         I       spoke 1    verse...
Universal                                          yet universe-less...           All was                    calm,        when...

then   You          & I         played a schizophrenic       game...

declared     You &   I are not to    be     Same...                    this         decision                         equaling      division             sequeling   a      colossal           collision     &                    mix      betwixt       You &  I...

Can    you   feel   it...

This    peaceful       picture painted,           now      out        of focus    breaking        beyond the     borders          of frame.

Can       you see        it...

beautifully            blurred,

mutually                                                   in             erred...                haplessly,

disillusioned        by      our

orgasmic              illusion,

This     desperateness       of separateness, I   kNow  it to     be   eroding  our      very Being,   blinding   us    from seeing     we    no        longer x  & + but % & -    to  find  our way back  to  to  get back     that

I    still        can       recall     a time                   you'd               swirl galaxies     as    you   danced

to    the       beat of   my hands drumming...&      we       would laugh     at our      universes echoes  humming discreet secrets     of      desire         we whispered        from                 its distant       corners,     eons prior...Let     us                        re

Member     that      fondness,

That              oneness               that fueled              our      passion, Creation                      &   ignited                  stars,                         Imploding          black holes&       exploding  quasars.                            Can you, can               we        be    it...

Come                   on, baby...

Breaking           from             this game, its        endured           as long    as    it  was meant to,

awaking from this dream,

its ensured that     we    are meant to...                                     Be.

I        dare not     shake you to wake you     for in                      our worlds      collide     is     how we           first                                  died,

I    care    not     scream WAKE

UP!  for in       your slumber

it may        seem out of pitch

& deteriorate the  fabric of          our very    make up...

But, I   command        the        me that     is       you to:               BE!

Kun faya kun! Manifest & exist from    this  fleshly presence!

Present the   present       of your     present!






And  like  the  dawning   of the             last    sunrise...

She      opened her  eyes...

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