Remember When...
Remember when
I asked
at our outset
for us to set out to remove our masks...
loved to lover
and reveal the innermost unto,
one to another?
Remember when
I declared
you to have a blank slate
in my eyes, in my heart
& only requested the same
on your part?
Remember when
we agreed
the only way we would succeed
is if our mutual mission
was based in the conviction that
for better or worse
everything in our universe
would evolve into oneness
Remember when
you stated
however this life be fated
you were mine:
and that if we could just find the way
you know
our love would grow exponentially
to day?
Remember when
we concurred
that neither of us
was new to relationships in erred,
that we're done being conquered
or even conquering
but our hearts yearn to sing...
our souls thirst to dance...
in balance?
You remember?
Do you?
Ok, Im just making sure...
Well, What the hell happened??!
I remember when
familiarity did not breed contempt
I remember a short time ago
when familiarity didn't equate to
or even tempt the ego.
Feelings frozen frigid
& battlelines etched, cracked & rigid
deeper than skin
deeper than this hole of
defensive linguistic stances &
posturing pretenses masked as
we find ourselves in...
dark, dank
Not exactly what we,
in our age of dedication & devotion,
conceded to when we entertained the notion of
You remember…?
our own secret island
where we were free to run wild &
leave all their lies
the rush of relief
once awakened eyes dawn
from nights thief...
I remember.
I remember...
I re
member them
like pieces to a grandiose puzzle
with each connection
I am intoxicated by this remembrance
& its reflection
& the more drunk I get
with nips, sips & guzzles
it helps me forget
that remembering
is all I have.
I remember...
Copyright ©2013
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